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Explore the white paper for the Zora project /ZORAcoin

Meet ZORA, the utility token of the community-powered ZORA ecosystem to fuel this global farmers project.

But let's be honest, you are not here because you really care that much about farmers or if these coins will actually have an impact. You just hope to make money like everyone else, and that's ok.
This is not a new project with hopes it will catch. This is an existing project that we are taking to the next level and believe that cryptocurrency may actually be a major player in saving our resources around the world. WHY?
Because every solution advertised to us for year failed but this one is developed only by OUR COMMUNITY.
And ZORA is here to ensure the details of the projects are followed to the crack of the whip!






The mission of Zora is to provide a way for people to earn passive income while simultaneously affecting the farmers industry and the vanishing agriculture in the world. Guided by this spirit in all pursuits, the Zora initiative significantly emphasizes protecting our food supply by providing the proper tools and funding to the farmers. ZORA seeks not only to increase public awareness before we run out of natural food to feed an increasing population.

ZORA will put her paw down to make sure farmers continue to feed us with the food that they grow. Not corporations.

Make money while helping the farmers feed you!

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world in which every time you give money to charity and good causes, you have total trust that your funds are going exactly where you want them to. By giving absolute trust and confidence, we believe donors will choose to give more money to the causes they care about. At a time in history of seemingly endless natural disasters, the refugee crises in the Middle East, and a greater divide between rich and poor than ever before, the need has never been greater for such a platform.

This is not a donation project. Well, not only.

This MEMECOIN is being created as a long term beta project to see if we could take our existing successful story to another level. And to another area of the world.

If this memecoin project grows and you make money, the farmers win. It's that simple.

But if you insist on donating money to develop our projects more rapidly, I am sure we can accomodate your kindness.





Our four projects consist of THREE selected zone

divided into the most affected area per continent.


Our Projects

ASIA is the beta project to which the funds will be allocated during the first three months until we complete the second project. Each subsequent project will initially be financed by the gains of the previous project.


No promises. No bull. Simple.
The results of these projects only depend on your investments.  But to keep all community members involved and stakeholders in the loop, we've designed a detailed roadmap that outlines ZORA's strategic plan from Q1-2025 to Q4-2025. Each quarter represents a unique phase in our development that drive our mission forward.


2025 - Q1  - Setting the Foundation

The goal of Q3 is to lay a solid foundation for our memecoin, with a strong emphasis on community building and initial listings.

  • Launch Zora's meme and social media channels

  • Initial DEX Offering (IDO) presale on DEXs to raise funds for first project: Asia

  • Set up farmers' & non profit networks locally for Project Asia

  • List ZORA on decentralized networks

  • Recruit & seek potential partners to join the dev team


Q2 - Scaling & Strengthening

Our Q4 focus will be on scaling our operations, growing our community, and increasing ZORA's market visibility.

  • Growing our X and Telegram followers and token holders to 3,000

  • Launching Project Asia

  • Achieving a $250,000 market cap

  • Making ZORA a trending topic on farmers' networks

  • Launch / release local results of projects on website on monthly basis


 Q3  - Stability & Development

Our Q3 focus on stabilizing the Asia project to set the path for Water Well project

  • Advertising campaign with YT influencers on agriculture/farmers

  • Achieving $400,000 market cap by end of Q4

  • Launch/release water well project


Q4  - Completion of theTemplate Development​

Q4 will focus on additional development of "The Template" project


Our ZORA token represents the core financial unit of our ecosystem and will utilized to purchase Zora NFT required to earn the most passive income and get benefits and rewards as they are created in the future based on the success of the meme.


Every ZORA coin used to purchase a Zora NFT when it launches is burned and taken out of circulation. This has a potential to burn up to 5 Billion tokens from the circulating supply.


To foster the viability of Zora, we have established a solid and sustainable structure for our Tokenomics:


Maximum supply minted and capped: 1,000,000,000 tokens

  • Circulating Supply: 880,000,000 tokens

  • Reserve Supply: 120,000,000 tokens




Token Allocation

DEX / Liquidity Pool:   85% tokens will be sold to the public

 CEX & Liquidity:           3% To get on popular exchanges and DEX's at later time

 Marketing:                     2%  To spread the word of Zora to the world / build a new movement to protect our natural food supply

 Community Rewards/

Airdrop:                            4%  To reward the community for their support and activities to help spread the word

 Charity:                            3%  To donate to organizations helping save animals and fight climate change

 Dev & Team:                   3%  To support the development of the Zora ecosystem and team growth







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