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Old Team-New Team...Fresh Approach

Same base group since 1999. But with our new addition of vibrant Millennial thinking into our team, we made some very positive changes to our original donation system. In fact, we're replaced the traditional donation ways - which never really works for those in need unless some wild millionaire wishes to throw in a bucket of gold.  It only happens in movies anyway.

Our new approach is through a CRYPTO MEME COIN we have built in partnership with Zora The Cat, which crypto enthusiasts and farmers may purchase very soon. Check the Whitepaper for details. No more banks, nor exorbitant all goes to the projects.

Farmers Relief...with such a name, what do you think this is about? Let me think...

SPA facial treatment...Fruit & veggies morning specials....

Good idea, maybe next year. Next relief.


Local farmers of the world have one thing in common.

They supply the rest of the world with fresh food. However, they often lack the necessary funding to harvest their land or buy essentials for their family.

Farmers Relief is back to change that. Our  2024 mission is to provide aid to rice farmers in the Philippines and seeds to farmers to grow cassava. We also launched a project to provide water to all local farmers and their families. Our goal is to help farmers in need and provide them with the support they need to thrive.


Join us in our mission to support local farmers and their families.

Our Services

Environmentally Friendly

At Farmers Relief, we try to offer a range of services to support local farmers and their families. it includes providing aid to rice farmers in the Philippines, free seeds to grow cassava, and a project to provide water to all local farmers and their families. Our new produce that dehydrates fruits and vegetables could save tons per day.

Join our community to learn more about how we can support you and your family.

Water Production & Distribution

At Farmers Relief, we are committed to providing today's farmers and family in remote areas with water distribution from each water well we will build.

As the water situation is reaching emergency levels rapidly, in 2025 we plan to launch a small reverse osmosis system on a coastline village as a test.


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